Tissue Resilience
Tissue Optimization
Tissue resilience is the ability for muscles to undertake the rigors and demands of sports and occupation while resisting damage against repetitive loading. When muscle tissue develops strategic resilience it recovers optimally while also potentially minimizing the risk of both overuse syndromes and chronicities. This synergistically improves productivity due to the optimized muscle tissue condition.
Optimizing muscle tissue resilience was pioneered by Kenneth Craig, Medical Director of Kompass Health Associates (Auckland, New Zealand), when both healthy amateur and professional athletes were treated using Flashwave® to help develop muscle resilience.
Based on his experience in treating musculoskeletal conditions for over two decades, and his experience and understanding of the mechanics, he developed a hypothesis that Flashwave® therapy could effectively facilitate biocellular communication toward skeletal muscle stem cells (satellite cells) activation and differentiation, helping develop regenerative resilience against fatigue.
Dr. Craig believes that the Flashwave® stimulus provides an effective and unique biocellular communication or transduction, triggering skeletal muscle stem cell activation and differentiation. Similarly he believes the influence of Flashwave® on vascular growth is another pertinent factor for skeletal muscle stem cell activation and differentiation. He has since presented his findings and experiences at various international medical conventions, among those, the 2016 FIFA Football Medicine Conference in London.
The revolutionary medical potential of Flashwave® enables the clinicians helping professional teams and athletes across all sporting disciplines to reduce the risk of injuries in a safe and systemically neutral manner. This simultaneously increases career longevity and investment protection in both sports and occupational settings, making Flashwave® an integral part of the clinical resilience and regenerative therapy protocol.
Repetitive and exertional traumas are commonly seen conditions in the MSK clinic and may present as specific and non-specific in nature. The most commonly seen pathology in sports and occupation are overuse syndromes characterized by disrupted healing responses resulting in fiber separation, pain, hypoxia, functional disruption and associated muscle atrophy.
The consequences of such unresponsive and resistant conditions cause performance and productivity disruptions, threatening livelihoods and investments alike. Restoring the regenerative capacity and complex function of skeletal muscle is the key to regeneration, recovery and independence.
Flashwave® therapy offers clinicians a reliable, reproducible and easy-to-use treatment option that restores and provides healing to tendon and muscle tissue even in chronic states.
Flashwave® therapy is not a symptomatic management method, but rather a curative intervention which addresses multiple aberrant biocellular and biochemical processes occurring due to dishomeostasis.
Flashwave® is seen to regulate among other factors: improved regional circulation, cytokine activity, encourage myocyte and collagen proliferation for muscle regeneration.
These tissue regenerative capacities of Flashwave® therapy restore both the physical structure and functional capacity in treated individuals, returning them back to their workplace and sporting activities sooner.